sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

Manifesto de Lisboa em inglês

October 15 2011 – Democracy takes the streets!

Non-partisan lay pacific protest
- For participatory democracy
- For transparency in political decisions
- For the end of an imposed precariousness / For the right to work with working rights

We, working people, precarious individuals, unemployed, replaceable or about to be discarded, students, migrants, retired, «makeshift generations in a fix», frustrated with our living conditions, take the street today, in Europe and the World, to express our non-violent anger and protest against the present model of politic, social and economic government, which oppresses us, which does not serve us, which does not represent us.

Current government models are based on a fake democracy where decisions are taken inside closed rooms of parliaments, ministerial offices and international agencies, with no access or control by citizens, hostage to financial and economistic orientations, with no social or environmental concerns, promoting inequalities, misery, poverty, global and gradual loss of human rights. This is not democracy!

We want a participatory democracy, where people will have a say and participate effectively in decision-making processes. We want a democracy where public posts shall be held by righteous citizens, in defense of our welfare and well-being.

We want a democracy with no exceptions to protect the rich. We want a gradual and transparent fiscal system, where wealth shall be equally shared and health care uncut and provided to all. We want a democracy to which all will contribute fairly and impartially, and where all citizens shall be granted their rights and duties.

We want a democracy where those who abuse their power or perpetrate financial crimes shall be accountable, through independent courts in a debureacratized judicial system. We want a democracy where structural politics will be adopted with the understanding and active participation of the people, according to their desires. We do not take this crisis as inevitable. We demand to know how this recession got to us, whom and why we owe, and what are the clauses impending our debt.

People are not disposable, and cannot have their lives depending on stock market speculation or financial interests that reduce them to the condition of commodities. The constitutional principles conquered on the Revolution of the 25th of April 1974 and consecrated throughout the democratic world, stating that the economy must be subordinate to the general interest of society is being overwhelmingly perverted by the imposition of measures such as those of the troika programme, that lead to the loss of labor rights, the destruction of our health care system, of public schools and culture on the basis of strictly economistic theories.

Natural resources such as water, and other strategic sectors such as electricity, are public goods that cannot be privatized. A democracy abandons its future when work, education, health, housing, culture and welfare are seen as a privilege for a few or are simply privatized with no benefit whatsoever for the people.

The quality of a democracy is measured by how it treats its people. It does not have to be like this. In Portugal and all over the World, on the 15th of October we say enough is enough!

Democracy takes the streets. Take a walk with democracy.

15h00 Protest - Gathering at Marquês de Pombal - Lisboa
19h00 Popular Assembly - São Bento - before Parliament
0h00 Night Vigil

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